In order to decide who goes first, one member from each team is to toss a ball at the same time, and the player that gets it closest to the front hole, goes first. If each player makes it the same distance from or in the front hole, then the other players on each team repeat the process until one team makes it closer to the front hole than the other. Any hole made is considered closer than if the ball in not made in a hole.
Once the game begins, if a ball is made in a hole then the other team should remove the ball and plug the hole with one of the provided MashBall plugs.
If both balls are made on the same turn then the balls should be returned to the tossing team for another consecutive turn, not allowing the opposing team to have a turn. This process is known as “Balls Back.” If both balls are made in the same hole by each player, then the tossing team can choose 3 holes for the opposing team to plug and get “Balls Back.”
Each team is allowed 1 rearrangement of plugs in order to make a more favorable arrangement (this includes being able to turn the box as well as move the plugs to whichever arrangement the team prefers). For example, if there are five holes still in play and in a random arrangement, a team may decide to have those holes plugged while opening up five middle holes all near one another.
When the ball lands anywhere in front of the opposing team’s half of the box, the tossing team can run and grab the ball before the opposing team and if they do so, then the tossing player has the opportunity to toss the ball behind their back OR with their opposite hand (Right handed then toss with your left hand). We encourage tossing behind the back to make it more challenging. This constitutes as a normal toss if the ball is made.
Redemption Stage:
A redemption stage is optional if the two teams agree to this rule. Redemption is an advanced rule of MashBall where a team is beaten by their opponents, but have a last chance to “redeem” themselves. If the losing team makes one of their remaining holes then the game is back on and the winning team’s last hole is not plugged. (Note: if the losing team makes a hole in redemption, it simply continues the game and should not be plugged). Redemption cannot exist however, if both players on the winning team make the last 2 holes in the same turn. This means that the team automatically wins, with no chance for the losing team to have redemption.
If the losing team only has one hole left in redemption and makes the hole, then each team should reset the game, and open the 3 front holes. The game continues as it normally would and the first team to make all 3 holes in overtime wins.
The first team to plug all 10 holes wins the game.

The front row consisting of 4 holes = Single
The second row of 3 = Double
The third row of 2 = Triple
The back row of one hole = Homerun

How To Play:
Both teams stand behind the separated halves of the box. To determine who goes first each player will toss a ball toward the homerun hole. The player closest will win home field advantage and will toss second. Any hole made is considered closer than if a ball is not made in a hole at all.
There are nine innings and one team tosses at a time. When a player makes it in the box but not in a hole, it is a strike. If a player gets 3 strikes in a row, it is an out. If a player does not make the ball in a hole or in the box, it is an automatic out. Each team gets three outs per inning.
When a team makes a hole, the hole is to be plugged and one should imagine a runner moving that exact amount of bases. When the team makes another hole, the player on base advances according to what hole the team makes. If the player on base advances to home plate, then the 1st hole made is unplugged and the tossing team earns one run. For example, if a team makes the ball in a hole in the third row, then the hole is plugged and a player is on third base. If the team then makes a ball in the front row then the player on third will score and the hole previously plugged should be removed.
This continues and scores are tallied for each inning. Whichever team scores the most runs by the end of the ninth inning, wins.
Other rules: Make it in one that is already plugged = double play (automatic two outs.)
Like MashBall, start by clipping the provided string to the front rope of each half of the box to determine the exact distance of separation. Completely remove all plugs from the box and place them on the side.
The front row consisting of 1 hole = 5 points
The second row of 2 = 4 points
The third row of 3 = 3 points
The back row consisting of 4 holes = 2 points
Anywhere in the box but not in a hole = 1 point
Both teams stand behind the separate halves of the box and each player per team gets 1 toss per turn. The first team to reach 21 wins the game. If a team scores over 21 without reaching exactly 21, then they bust and go back to 11. (Note: If there is only one player per team then the single player on each team gets 2 tosses).
Gentlemen’s Shot:
You can also play Gentlemen’s Shots in Twenty-One. If you wish to do so, please reference the Gentlemen’s Shot description in the MashBall section of the guide.
1)Place both halves of the boxes on the same side with the word MashBall touching and the ropes facing the same way. Then, keeping both halves side by side, separate them about 3 feet away from one another in order to provide enough space between each half for the players to runback and forth between them. (This is a very fun fast paced game!)
2) To determine the exact tossing distance, clip the provided string to a front rope of one half of the box. Pull the string tight, then take note of or mark the distance of the clip at the end of the string.
Once the tossing player makes a hole, that player must run to the box and plug the hole that he or she made. Meanwhile, the retrieving player runs to the tossing position and begins tossing. At this point, each player has switched positions and the tossing player becomes the retrieving player.
Note: The retrieving player must leave the ball that was made in the hole and cannot plug it. The tossing player is the only player that can plug the hole when it is made.
The teams repeat this process until a team makes all 6 holes. The player to make all 6 holes 1st, wins!!

Take the stack of plugs and flip them upside down on top of the middle hole. (Note: MASHBALL side of plugs facing down)
How to Play:
Decide who goes first the same way you would for MashBall.
The object of the game is to be the first team to make the 9 open holes surrounding the middle hole and stack. If a hole is made, a plug is taken from the stack of plugs and placed in the hole that was made. (As the stack gets smaller it moves easier).
If a player makes the last hole or the middle hole, but the stack leaves the box on that same toss then the opposing team wins due to the box-swapping rule! For example, if the ball hits the stack and bounces into the last hole but the stack falls off the box in the same toss, then the boxes are swapped making the non-tossing team the winner. This can happen at any point in the game if it occurs on the middle hole.
Masher Toss is primarily played by 2 teams consisting of 2 players. Both teams stand behind the separate halves of the box and each player per team gets 1 toss per turn. (Note: If there is only one player per team then the single player on each team gets 2 tosses.)
If the ball is made in one of the plugs of the 9
plugged holes = 3 points
If the ball is made in the middle hole = 5 points
The first team to reach 21 wins the game! If a team scores over 21 without reaching exactly 21, then they BUST and go back to the same score as their opponent. For example, if the tossing team scores over 21 and their opposing team has a score of 14, then the tossing team goes back down to a score of 14 points.